Friday, June 03, 2005

Computer Studies

I'm teaching computer sciences and computing languages to undergraduate students in the same school as Phil.
We are using Embedded platform using QNX, an Unix-like, or Windows XPEmbedded both with C/C++ applications most to create Web services, production control and multimedia applications; Java, Php, SQL are also in use.
During their studies, students have a period of professional training for at least six weeks, in any kind of computer related industries/companies : from programming applications to computer shop, the objective is to plug them into reality ;-)
May be we could share experiences, and why not exchange students for their professional training period.



Blogger ... said...

Welcome to village-europe Fabrice

7:59 PM  
Blogger brunob said...

Why are you using such a strange language? Are there any swear words hidden behind all those capital letters?
just kidding, of course.
I hope we will all be able to speak like you soon.

11:04 PM  

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